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Jakamo API required

Forecasts presented in the Forecast app can only be imported via Jakamo Forecast API. In other words, customers need to purchase Jakamo integration before Forecasts can be shared with suppliers. Find Forecast API description from here.

Suppliers Note!

The forecast icon in the Order App will become visible after your Customer has shared a forecast with Your company. If you are expecting to receive Forecasts from your Customer, but don't see the forecast button as shown below, contact your Customer and ask them to share the forecast with you. You will receive an email notification when the Customer shares the first Forecast with you. For suppliers forecast app is offered free of charge.

With Forecasts, customers can send order or demand forecasts for coming months to their suppliers. Forecasts are in use and thus visible only when the customer has included this functionality in their Jakamo subscription. Forecasts are a sub-feature in Orders App. If Forecasts is available, users can navigate there from Forecasts icon on the top center view of the Orders App. The forecast feature presents always only the latest forecast, i.e. only one forecast per relation is available in Jakamo.

By hitting the Forecasts icon, the sub-feature view opens. Existing forecasts can be filtered by company (you can choose one or more companies) in the Relation dropdown menu, specific item IDs can be examined with the Search, either Order or Demand type of forecasts can be viewed with Purpose code selection, and finally report can be selected to be viewed either in monthly or weekly form. Both sent and received forecasts can be examined.

By filtering the results with the report type, either date-based, weekly or monthly forecasts are presented for filter criteria. Different selections present the forecast as follows:

  • Dates based (default) report type, shows the latest values with dates.
  • Monthly report type, the period is the current month and the next 11 months.
  • Weekly report type, the period is the current week and the next 51 weeks.

However, the Jakamo user interface does not for instance sum up the demand for specific items for the period. Usually, it is more practical to export the forecasts to for instance Excel spreadsheet. This can be done by hitting the XLS on the top right corner of the shown forecasts.

Selection in the Report type drop box affects the exported spreadsheet as follows:

  • Report type: "default"
    • Quantities for each item are summarized from all forecasts without time limitations.
  • Report type: "week"
    • Quantities for all items for each week that have quantity in any of the items presented.
    • The quantities of different items are not summarized.
  • Report type: "month"
    • Quantities for all items for each month that have quantity in any of the items are presented.
    • The quantities of different items are not summarized.

Forecast emailerโ€‹

The user can subscribe to receive the forecasts by email as .xlsx files. Each new forecast will be sent to the email address specified in the user's Forecast emailer settings.

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