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Jakamo Claims APP enables you to send, receive, handle, discuss, and follow the claims with your partners. You are able to manage the entire claim process and your claim portfolio in Jakamo. Claim APP enables learning, claim process management, transparent and real-time interaction, and follow-up of claims. The content and process of claim handling cover the ISO9001 standard.

Jakamo Claims App is found under the APPS from the left navigation bar. Claims App is available for all Jakamo users despite of whether it is in active use with some of the business partners or not.

Typically, customer companies use Claims App via integration between their ERP system and Jakamo. Integration is built from their ERP system to Jakamo to automatize the sharing of new claims and to receive claim responses back from Jakamo to their ERPs automatically. Jakamo Claims App is also easy to use manually without integration in use.

Receiver companies (typically suppliers) use Jakamo Claims App manually via Jakamo's web-based user interface.

1. Claims list viewโ€‹

The claim list view displays all the claims your company has sent and received. Note the separate sent and received tabs under the filters. The list view gives basic information about the claims. Each row represents a single claim. Itโ€™s possible to filter and sort the list view, for example, by claim statuses. The filtering options and search feature helps the user to find a specific claim.

Cannot find the claim from the list view? Check your list view tab!

Check that you are in the correct tab sent or received on the Claims list view to find claims you have sent or received!

2. Claim handling process in Jakamoโ€‹

2.1 Sharing a new claim via Jakamo (Waiting for response)โ€‹

Claiming company (typically the customer) creates a new claim and shares it with the claimed company (typically the supplier). Supplier users are able to get email notifications of the new claims in real-time in their own Jakamo account.

2.2 Supplier start to respond to the claim (In progress)โ€‹

Supplier creates a response through the PROCESS button, located in the single Claim view page and in the list view of claims. This indicates the acknowledgment of the claim by the supplier. It is recommended that the supplier record the cause and initial plan for corrective actions.

Customer and supplier process and discuss the claim in the single claim view. Both parties can add comments and documents (e.g. images, PDFs, excels).

The customer and supplier agree on the corrective actions and potential monetary compensations. Supplier edits the Claim Response to its final form, based on mutually agreed actions and compensations.

The response can be saved as a draft (select SAVE AND CONTINUE LATER) on the claim process form, which will update the claim status to In progress.

Indicate your customer that you have started to progress the claim!

You can change the claim status to In Progress easily by clicking the status icon! This is a quick tool to indicate that you have aknowledged the claim and started to work on it. You do not necessarily need to start the formal process in Jakamo at this stage.

2.3 Supplier completes the claim response (Completed)โ€‹

Supplier completes the corrective actions and other agreed tasks. When the corrective actions have been taken and potential monetary compensation has been paid or settled, the supplier saves the response as completed.

The response can be saved as completed (select SAVE AS COMPLETED) on the claim process form, which will update the claim status to Completed.

2.4 Customer accepts or reject the claim response (Accepted or back to In progress)โ€‹

After the claim has received the status Completed, the customerโ€™s responsible person accepts or rejects the claim. If the customer is satisfied with the outputs, customer can set the status to Accepted and indicate that the processing is done. If the customer rejects the claim's response, the claim will be updated back to In progress. Customer should indicate e.g. by adding a comment to the discussion or by creating a new task for a supplier why their response has been rejected.

2.5 Customer cancel the claimโ€‹

Claim can be always cancelled by the author company. Company the claim is shared with cannot cancel the claim at any point. Cancelled claim is indicated with status Cancelled. If a claim is cancelled, a system note about the cancellation will be shown in discussion section. Note indicates who has cnacelled the claim and when.

Claim can be cancelled via integration (by sending Cancelled status information to Jakamo) or it can be cancelled from the user interface. Cancelled button is available on the top of each claim and it is available for the author company users at any point of the claim process.

3. Claim in Jakamoโ€‹

All the basic information, tasks, response, files, tags, and discussions related to one particular claim are displayed in the same view. The single claim view includes the following blocks. Claims are processed in a single claim view, which is shared between companies and therefore identical to both parties.

3.1 Sharingโ€‹

Sharing shows the sender and receiver of the claim.

  • Owner company = the claiming company, the company that has created the claim.
  • Shared with = the company claim is sent to, the receiver company (typically supplier) who can process the claim.

3.2. Statusโ€‹

Status shows the user in which phase the claim is proceeding. The status will automatically be changed based on the actions done to the claim. The only exception is that the In Progress status can be set manually by clicking the In Progress status icon by the claim receiver company.

  • Waiting for response: a new claim is waiting for the receiver to start the process of the claim.
  • In progress: receiver has started to process the claim, but has not completed the response yet.
  • Completed: receiver has marked the response completed.
  • Accepted: claim response (and claim) is accepted by the claiming company.
  • Follow-up done: Once the claim has been accepted by the claiming company and there is a follow-up date set, claiming company can update the claim to the status Follow-up done.
  • Cancelled: The claim is canceled by the claiming company.


Customer company can set automatic reminders for claims in statuses Waiting for response and In progress. The users of the recipient company of the claim will automatically receive reminder emails after the time specified by the customer has elapsed, either in the Waiting for response or In progress status. These reminders help the supplier respond to the claim promptly.

Status time trackingโ€‹

Jakamo is tracking the time of different phases automatically. Each status phase shows the time tracker under the status and it tells how long each status phase has lasted. Behind the TOTAL button can be seen more information about the statuses, for example, start date and time for each status, and who has done the status change.

3.3 Basic infoโ€‹

Basic info contains the basic information related to the claim. Please note that the order number is not linked in Jakamo to the Jakamo purchase order item!

3.4 Defect Infoโ€‹

In the Defect Info section it is possible to add information about the claimed items. Defect date and time can be added. Different kind of classification can be done from pre-defined alternatives.

Defect date and description are mandatory information. Defect type and defect classifications can be selected only from the pre-defined option lists. Cost effective, other compensation actions, item quantities, and loss hours and can be added if desired.

Did not find suitable categorization? Use tags!

Jakamo tags can be used to build the customizable categorization of items, for example, claims. See more information on how to utilize tags from the Tags instruction page!

3.5 Responsible usersโ€‹

To assign the claim processing work to the right person, itโ€™s possible to add or change the responsible person for a particular claim. Responsible user of the claim will receive the email notification from new activites done for the claim.

3.6 Tagsโ€‹

Tags can be used to divide and categorize claims with customizable categorization alternatives that do not fit to default categorization of the defect info in Jakamo.

Claim tag categorization examples:

  • Priority of the claim: low, medium, high, very high
  • Claimed item: product, material, service
  • Cost center information
  • Production line, production phase, or site information

3.7 Tasksโ€‹

Tasks are used to manage the corrective actions (who is doing what and when) effectively. Task enables also to follow-up agreed actions transparently and clearly indicate when the claim can be closed.

3.8 Filesโ€‹

Files, e.g. pictures, reports or certificates can be added by both parties.

3.9 Discussionโ€‹

Discussion is a dedicated place to discuss, comment and ask claim-specific issues and agree on things transparently.

4. Claim response in Jakamoโ€‹

The receiver of the claim can process the claim and fill the ISO9001 compliant response in Jakamo by following the fields available in the process form. Supplier creates the response to customerโ€™s claim through PROCESS button. The button is visible in the single claim view and in the Claims list view.

Supplier fills in detailed information about the containment analysis, root cause analysis, and planned actions in the empty text fields. It is also possible to select the process phase the defect has taken place. Finally, mutually agreed monetary compensation is recorded in the Agreed compensation field.

Here is listed and explained the claim process form field:

  • Containment: Fill in the information in which the defective parts or material is located (e.g. material ordered, WIP at supplier, in transition, at customer)
  • Corrective actions: What are the corrective actions regarding this specific claim? For example, a supplier delivers a new part.
  • Process phase: select the process phase the defect has been caused from pre-defined options.
  • Cause analysis: The cause analysis for this defect. Explanation of why this spesific defect has happened. Root cause analysis.
  • Precautionary actions: What actions will done to avoid this defect in the future?
  • Follow-up actions: Definiton of what follow-up actions are followed and when.
  • Follow-up date: Follow-up date can be set to the claim to have follow-up date visible.
  • Agreed compensation: Fill in the mutually agreed monetary compensation.
  • Responsible: Supplier can set another person(s) to a responsible user of the claim from the list of the colleagues.
  • Vendor's reference: The supplier can fill in their reference (e.g. order or order conirmation number) to the claim response.
  • Vendor material ID: The supplier can fill in their item or material ID.
  • Attachments: Supplier can add attachment from the claim process form or directly dropping them to Files section.

After all the agreed fields have been filled in, the supplier saves the response from d AS COMPLETED. This indicates to customer to review the response and accept or reject it accordingly.

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