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With Jakamo Bulletins app, You can inform other users within Your company, or the users in one, few or all of the partnership companies in your Network. We recommend using Bulletins only for really important information. It might lose itsโ€™ value, if there is always a Bulletin published with an minor information value.

Jakamo Bulletins app is is found under the APPS from the left navigation bar. Bulletins App is available for all Jakamo users.

1. Bulletins list viewโ€‹

Bulletins list view displays all the bulletins Your company has received or sent. List view presents short details about each Bulletin on their own rows. Creation date, possible edit time, title, responsible person and owner of the Bulletin item are presented. Also partnership companies from Your network are presented in "Shared with" column, if Your company is the owner of the item.

You can prevent users from different companies from seeing to who have You shared the bulletin

Only users from Your company can always see possible other companies a bulletin has been shared to. You can hide the sharing from users in other companies if You wish to.

1.1 Basic and advanced filtersโ€‹

Basic filters include free search filter to find bulletins by title and icon search for bulletins You have created, or have responsibilities in.

Advanced filters offer wider opportunities to perform various searches and combine different search terms. For example, it is possible to filter bulletins per company, by status, by the author, by certain tags or by creation date period.

1.2 Reportingโ€‹

The PDF report is available for all Jakamo users, other reports are available for upgraded Jakamo accounts. Reports may include data from all bulletins or data can be limited by using list view filtering before downloading the report. Report data only includes the datat visible on list view, so for instance description is not included.

2. Creating, sharing and editing a Bulletinโ€‹

New bulletin can be published by hitting the ADD -icon on the list view.

2.1 Fields in bulletinโ€‹

Numbers in (parentheses) refer to the picture below.


In Sharing section, receivers for the bulletin are defined. By checking SHARE INTERNALLY on tick box (1), bulletin is visible only to users from Your company. By hitting the SHARE WITH -icon (2), You can choose the companies to be able to see the bulletin from your network by hitting their names.

By checking the "Hide sharing and disable commenting and uploading files for partner users" tick box (3), you can prevent companies, you have shared a bulletin to, from seeing each others names, commenting or adding files to the bulletin. However, users from the owner company can still add comments and files to the bulletin.

Be careful with sharing

If You don't want companies know about other companies a bulletin is shared to, always check the "Hide sharing and disable commenting and uploading files for partner users" tick box. By default, it is NOT checked.


Status section (4) shows the status for the bulletin. It can also be altered by the users fron responsible company. Statuses do not, however, affect the visibility of bulletin. Bulletin is visible for other users and/or companies regardless the status it has. For instance a bulletin with DRAFTstatus will be visible to all users and/or companies it is shared to. In that sense, statuses are not that important.

If You don't want your bulletin to be visible anymore, use the REMOVE icon in the list view.

By removing the bulletin, it will be removed totally, including all data in it. Please consider does the information need to be saved to some other place before removal of a bulletin.

Basic info

Basic info (5) is the key point in whole app. Basic info includes the title which is visible in the list view of bulletins, and the description which is visible in the single bulletin view. Type short description to title, for instance "Arrangements during the holiday season 2023-2024" and write more detailed infos to description.


We recommend that publication should not be used (6). It doesn't affect to bulletin in significant way at the moment. If there is expiration date set by removing the check from the NEVER EXPIRES tick box and choosing an expiration time, expiration time can be seen on the view for single bulletin, but it won't affect for instance to status or visibility of the bulletin.


Users from the Author company and companies bulletin is shared to can assign users to bulletin in question (7.) By assigning user, bulletin will be linked to users' dashboard, under users reponsibilities. Users can be assigned at any point by hitting their names from the list.


Tags can be attached to bulletin either by writing or choosing from the Tag list (8.) Tags will be visible in the single bulletin view, and users with Advanced filters available can also search bulletins by tags.


Different type of files can be attached to bulletins (9.) Files are one of the key features in most of the Jakamo Apps. You can find a detailed insrtuctions about the files in here.

After all necessary fields have been filled, bulletin can be published by hitting the SUBMIT-icon from the left bottom corner (10.)

2.2 Sharing a bulletinโ€‹

After all necessary and desired fields have been completed, bulletin can be shared with orange SUBMIT -icon.

Users in the companies a bulletin has been shared to can see the published bulletin in recent activity feed on their Dashboard. Of course tjhey are also notificated via email, depending on their notification settings

2.3 Editing a bulletinโ€‹

Once a bulletin is submitted, it can be edited by the author user. Others are able to edit only "Resbonsible users" assigned. Editing can be done by hitting the blue EDIT -icon on the top right corner for each section that can be edited. By hitting the EDIT -icon, data in section is released for editing. In addition to editable sections, tags, comments and files to discussion and files can always be added by the author person.

If author user has allowed, partner users that are able to see the item can add files and comments to discussion of a bulletin. These are two common basic functions of different Jakamo Items, more detailed instructions to these can be found from the Application functionalities

Bulletins has also an option for internally sharing files or posting comments. Internal comments and files are only visible to users from the owner company of the item, in this case bulletin. Internal comments and files can bee accessed from the INTERNAL -icon on top right corner of the single bulletin view.

If a bulletin includes internal messages or files, INTERNAL -icon in the view for single bulletin turns from blue to orange. Internal comments and files attached will also create notifications just like public comments or file uploads.

2.4 Mark readโ€‹

Mark read available only when hide sharing is not activated

If the option "Hide sharing and disable commenting and uploading files for partner users" is activated, users can't mark the bulletin as read.

Users the bulletin has been shared to can mark and thus inform the author that they have aknowledged the bulletin. This can be done by hitting the blue MARK AS READ -icon on the top right corner of the bulletin. Author can see listing of users aknowledged in the single bulletin view.

3. Removing a bulletinโ€‹

If the information given in bulletin has outdated, bulletin can be removed by the author user. This can be done either by hitting the orange REMOVE -icon on the list view for bulletins, or by navigating to the single view of a bulletin and hitting the blue REMOVE -icon from the top right corner.


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