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There might be missing details, but we'll get this updated in a short time.

AUTOSAVE function

When editing the RFQs, there is a autosave feature that keeps the record saved to their latest stage. This enables you to focus on filling the RFQ details and not worrying if the RFQ has saved or not.

1. Creating the RFQ - Customer view​

  1. The site is not yet visible in the sidebar so you have to go to
  2. Create new RFQ
    1. Create fitting title for your RFQ
    2. You may give number for the RFQ or you can let Jakamo generate it
    3. Lastly select the template
  3. Next fill the general information of the RFQ
    1. Title: You can still adjust this. The idenfier was generated when you created the RFQ
    2. Offer deadline: What's the last date when suppliers can reply to RFQ
    3. Currency: Jakamo supports around 20 currencies currently. Default is Euro
    4. Description: Write here the details if you want to
    5. Project number: If this is related to a project you are working on
    6. Business unit: This is only available only if company has BUs enabled. Only one BU can be selected
    7. People: Who from your organization are involved in this? YOu can assign multiple people here.
    8. Tags: These can be used to find similar RFQs
    9. Attachement. You may add multiple attachements here
  4. Supplier view
    1. Here you can add suppliers who you want to share the RFQ. We are now supporting sharing RFQs inside your Jakamo network, but shortly there's support coming to share RFQs to your Master Data companies
    2. Select your supplier
    3. Select your contact from your supplier
    4. Status: Statuses are unpublished, published, x and y?
    5. Supplier type: As explained before this marks if the supplier is from Jakamo network (Jakamo) or from Master data (X)
    6. You can view the RFQ shared to your suppliers
  5. RFQ Questions.
    1. Here you casn fill all the questions that will be delivered to suppliers in the saem format. You can ask these question per whole RFQ and per orderline presented by the suplier
    2. Questions can be in text, select, multiselect, file or checkbox format. RFQ creator can also require some of the fields to be filled. If the required button is not selected, supplier may skip that question.
  6. RFQ ITems
    1. In the last phase the customer adds the requested items here
    2. Item No: What's the article / item number from customers system
    3. Item Name: what's the article requested
    4. Quantities: in what quantites customer wants the goods to be delivered
    5. Unit: PCS as default but customer can define this by themselves
    6. Delivery date: When the customer requests the goods to be delivered
    7. Attachements: Customer may attach multiple attachemnets per orderline

Ok now all the details are filled and we are ready to publish the RFQ.

What happens after the RFQ is published?

  • RFQ Form: All the fields in the RFQ form will be locked so the information cannot be altered afterwards.
  • RFQ Sent: RFQ will be sent to all suppliers shared with RFQ. The best way to get overview of the sent RFQs is to go to RFQ list view

2. RFQ list view​

Here you can see the overview of your RFQs. From column selection you may view following columns

  • Title: The same used when creating the RFQ
  • Request number: The same used when creating the RFQ
  • Created: When the RFQ was created the first time
  • Edited: When the RFQ was edited the last time
  • Deadline: What was the set deadline for the RFQ
  • Status: Statuses are: draft, Open for quatations, Quotation started and Ready to Award
  • Response: This marks how many responses from the total shared suppliers have been received. So first number is the response and the second is the total of supplier involved in this RFQ
  • Suppliers: This dispalys the first alphabet of the supplier
  • Resposible person: Who from the customer company runs the RFQ

3. Supplier view​

The supplier will get notification in the dashboard that they have received a new notification.

They may also go directly to

Here in the list view they can see the RFQs they have received from their customers.

3.1 RFQ overview from suppliers perspective​

When the supplier opens RFQ, they see that they can set the RFQ status as viewed, to notify the customer that they have received the RFQ.

Suppliers, set RFQ status to SET VIEWED and START QUATATION to begin filling the inforamtion

In order to start edit the order, the supplier first have to click SET VIEWED and after that START QUATATION. Before that question cannot be filled.

The supplier may also start discussion from the RFQ section to talk directly to the person who has released the RFQ from customers side.

3.2 Supplier fills the questions​

Here the supplier may fill the question the customer has requested for the total RFQ

3.3 Supplier fills the item questions​

Here the supplier may fill the question the customer has requested for each requested line.

Please note the filling order

In order to get the RFQ saved, you need to fill it starting from the topmost fields in order to enable the saving. This will be fixed i the future

After you have filled all the fields, hit that Submit Quotation button.

The supplier may still at this phase to withrdaw from quotation if the see it necessary

4 Ready to award​

Now comes the phase where customer way award the suppliers participated in the RFQ