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Jakamo Open API (v2.0)

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Open API description for V2 of the Jakamo API. The API is used to integrate with Jakamo. This is a preview version of the API and is subject to change.

General guidelines


All requests to the API must be authenticated. The authentication is done using OAuth2.0. Refer to the OAuth2.0 documentation for instructions on how to setup Oauth2 authentication.

HTTP codes and verbs

HTTP verbs

POST - Create a new resource
GET - Read one or more resources
PUT - Replace a resource
PATCH - Partially update a resource
DELETE - Delete a resource

HTTP codes

200 - OK. The request was successful.
201 - Created. The request was successful and a new resource was created.
400 - Bad request. The request was invalid. See the response body for details.
401 - Unauthorized. The request was not authenticated. See the response body for details.
404 - Not found. The requested resource was not found.
429 - Too many requests. The request was throttled. Investigate Retry-After header
500 - Internal server error. An error occurred in the server. See the response body for details.

Handling errors

If the API returns an error, the response body will contain an error object. The error object contains a message and a list of errors.
If a 4xx status code is returned, clients must take care not to retry the request without modification. The exception here is 429 too many requests that can be retried after a period given in Retry-After header.

If a 5xx status code is returned, clients may retry the request. It is preferable to use an exponential backoff strategy when retrying requests.

Development Action

Create, read, update and delete development actions

Query development actions

Query development actions

query Parameters

Limit results to development actions created by users from these partner companies. Use comma separated list to query multiple partner companies.


Category ids to query. Use comma separated list to query multiple categories.


Author ids to query. Use comma separated list to query multiple authors.


Responsible user ids to query. Use comma separated list to query multiple responsible users.


Statuses to query. Use comma separated list to query multiple statuses.

string <date-time>

Created at from to query.

string <date-time>

Created at to to query.

string <date-time>

Edited at from to query.

string <date-time>

Edited at to to query.


Expand related entities. Possible values: tasks, files, comments, history


Possible values: sent, received, all. If not provided, all is used.


Freetext search string


Column to sort by. Possible values: createdTime,editTime,deadline


Sorting direction. Possible values: asc,desc

Example: limit=100

Number of records to return, between 1-1000. If not provided, 100 is used.

Example: offset=0

How many items to skip before returning the results. If not provided, 0 is used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "data": [
  • "meta": {

Create development action

Create a new development action

Request Body schema: application/json

Development action to update


Status of the development action. Possible values are: Draft, Suggestion, In Progress, Cancelled, Completed

integer <int64>
string <date-time>
integer or null <int64>

Id of the business unit to which the development action belongs. Omit if not using business units.

Array of objects or objects or null
Array of strings or null
Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ]
Array of objects or null
Array of strings or null
Array of objects or null


Request samples

Content type
  • "status": "Open",
  • "title": "New process for handling customer complaints",
  • "categoryId": 7,
  • "allowTaskEditingForPartners": false,
  • "deadline": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  • "description": "Process for Handling Customer Complaints 1. Receipt of Complaint: When a customer complaint is received through various channels such as phone calls, emails, social media, or in-person interactions, it is logged into a centralized system. The complaint should be categorized based on the nature of the issue (product quality, service, billing, etc.). 2. Acknowledgment: An immediate acknowledgment of the complaint is sent to the customer. This acknowledgment reassures the customer that their concerns have been received and are being taken seriously. It may include a reference number for tracking purposes. 3. Investigation: The assigned representative begins investigating the complaint. This involves gathering all relevant information, such as order history, communication records, and any other pertinent details related to the complaint. 4. Empathy and Understanding: Before responding to the customer, its important to empathize with their situation. Acknowledge their frustration or disappointment and express genuine understanding of their concerns. 5. Response: Craft a personalized response to the customers complaint. The response should address the specific issues raised by the customer, provide a clear explanation of the steps being taken to investigate the matter, and offer an estimated timeline for resolution. 6. Escalation (if necessary): If the complaint is complex or cannot be resolved at the frontline level, escalate it to higher levels of authority or specialized teams. Ensure that the customer is informed about the escalation and the reasons behind it. 7. Resolution: Work towards resolving the complaint based on the investigation. This could involve issuing a refund, sending a replacement product, providing a service recovery gesture (such as a discount), or taking any other appropriate action to rectify the situation. 8. Follow-Up: After the resolution has been implemented, follow up with the customer to ensure they are satisfied with the outcome. This proactive approach shows that the company values their feedback and aims to improve its services. 9. Documentation: Thoroughly document the entire process, including the initial complaint, investigation steps, resolution details, and follow-up communication. This documentation serves as a reference for future interactions and helps in identifying recurring issues. 10. Analysis and Continuous Improvement: Periodically review customer complaints and the resolution process. Analyze trends and patterns to identify systemic issues that need addressing. Use this feedback to improve products, services, and customer interactions. 11. Employee Training: Regularly train customer-facing employees in effective complaint handling techniques, active listening, empathy, and problem-solving. Well-trained staff can resolve complaints more efficiently and maintain positive customer relationships.",
  • "businessUnitId": 1,
  • "shareTo": [
  • "benefits": {
  • "qualityBenefits": [
  • "responsibleUserIds": [
  • "tasks": [
  • "tags": [
  • "files": [

Response samples

Content type
  • "message": "Invalid request",
  • "errors": [

Get a development action

Get a single development action. Loads all data including tasks, sharing information, files and comments. Provide either an id or a title and authorRef.

path Parameters
Example: 123123

Development action id.


Response samples

Content type
  • "id": 230,
  • "createdTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  • "editTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  • "status": "Open",
  • "title": "New process for handling customer complaints",
  • "categoryName": "Common values and operation Dtos",
  • "categoryId": 7,
  • "allowTaskEditingForPartners": false,
  • "deadline": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  • "description": "Process for Handling Customer Complaints 1. Receipt of Complaint: When a customer complaint is received through various channels such as phone calls, emails, social media, or in-person interactions, it is logged into a centralized system. The complaint should be categorized based on the nature of the issue (product quality, service, billing, etc.). 2. Acknowledgment: An immediate acknowledgment of the complaint is sent to the customer. This acknowledgment reassures the customer that their concerns have been received and are being taken seriously. It may include a reference number for tracking purposes. 3. Investigation: The assigned representative begins investigating the complaint. This involves gathering all relevant information, such as order history, communication records, and any other pertinent details related to the complaint. 4. Empathy and Understanding: Before responding to the customer, its important to empathize with their situation. Acknowledge their frustration or disappointment and express genuine understanding of their concerns. 5. Response: Craft a personalized response to the customers complaint. The response should address the specific issues raised by the customer, provide a clear explanation of the steps being taken to investigate the matter, and offer an estimated timeline for resolution. 6. Escalation (if necessary): If the complaint is complex or cannot be resolved at the frontline level, escalate it to higher levels of authority or specialized teams. Ensure that the customer is informed about the escalation and the reasons behind it. 7. Resolution: Work towards resolving the complaint based on the investigation. This could involve issuing a refund, sending a replacement product, providing a service recovery gesture (such as a discount), or taking any other appropriate action to rectify the situation. 8. Follow-Up: After the resolution has been implemented, follow up with the customer to ensure they are satisfied with the outcome. This proactive approach shows that the company values their feedback and aims to improve its services. 9. Documentation: Thoroughly document the entire process, including the initial complaint, investigation steps, resolution details, and follow-up communication. This documentation serves as a reference for future interactions and helps in identifying recurring issues. 10. Analysis and Continuous Improvement: Periodically review customer complaints and the resolution process. Analyze trends and patterns to identify systemic issues that need addressing. Use this feedback to improve products, services, and customer interactions. 11. Employee Training: Regularly train customer-facing employees in effective complaint handling techniques, active listening, empathy, and problem-solving. Well-trained staff can resolve complaints more efficiently and maintain positive customer relationships.",
  • "benefits": {
  • "qualityBenefits": [
  • "authorUser": {
  • "authorCompany": {
  • "responsibleUsers": [
  • "sharedTo": [
  • "tasks": [
  • "tags": [
  • "files": [],
  • "comments": [
  • "history": [

Update a development action

Partially update a development action. Provide only fields you want to change.

path Parameters
Example: 123123

Development action id.

query Parameters

Development action to update


Response samples

Content type
  • "id": 230,
  • "createdTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  • "editTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  • "status": "Open",
  • "title": "New process for handling customer complaints",
  • "categoryName": "Common values and operation Dtos",
  • "categoryId": 7,
  • "allowTaskEditingForPartners": false,
  • "deadline": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  • "description": "Process for Handling Customer Complaints 1. Receipt of Complaint: When a customer complaint is received through various channels such as phone calls, emails, social media, or in-person interactions, it is logged into a centralized system. The complaint should be categorized based on the nature of the issue (product quality, service, billing, etc.). 2. Acknowledgment: An immediate acknowledgment of the complaint is sent to the customer. This acknowledgment reassures the customer that their concerns have been received and are being taken seriously. It may include a reference number for tracking purposes. 3. Investigation: The assigned representative begins investigating the complaint. This involves gathering all relevant information, such as order history, communication records, and any other pertinent details related to the complaint. 4. Empathy and Understanding: Before responding to the customer, its important to empathize with their situation. Acknowledge their frustration or disappointment and express genuine understanding of their concerns. 5. Response: Craft a personalized response to the customers complaint. The response should address the specific issues raised by the customer, provide a clear explanation of the steps being taken to investigate the matter, and offer an estimated timeline for resolution. 6. Escalation (if necessary): If the complaint is complex or cannot be resolved at the frontline level, escalate it to higher levels of authority or specialized teams. Ensure that the customer is informed about the escalation and the reasons behind it. 7. Resolution: Work towards resolving the complaint based on the investigation. This could involve issuing a refund, sending a replacement product, providing a service recovery gesture (such as a discount), or taking any other appropriate action to rectify the situation. 8. Follow-Up: After the resolution has been implemented, follow up with the customer to ensure they are satisfied with the outcome. This proactive approach shows that the company values their feedback and aims to improve its services. 9. Documentation: Thoroughly document the entire process, including the initial complaint, investigation steps, resolution details, and follow-up communication. This documentation serves as a reference for future interactions and helps in identifying recurring issues. 10. Analysis and Continuous Improvement: Periodically review customer complaints and the resolution process. Analyze trends and patterns to identify systemic issues that need addressing. Use this feedback to improve products, services, and customer interactions. 11. Employee Training: Regularly train customer-facing employees in effective complaint handling techniques, active listening, empathy, and problem-solving. Well-trained staff can resolve complaints more efficiently and maintain positive customer relationships.",
  • "benefits": {
  • "qualityBenefits": [
  • "authorUser": {
  • "authorCompany": {
  • "responsibleUsers": [
  • "sharedTo": [
  • "tasks": [
  • "tags": [
  • "files": [],
  • "comments": [
  • "history": [

Delete a development action

Delete a development action. The development action is deleted permanently and cannot be restored.

path Parameters
Example: 123123

Development action id.


Response samples

Content type
  • "message": "Development action 55342 deleted successfully."