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Search functionality can be found from the bottom part of hamburger menu. Search can be used to search words, numbers or similar from the title and item name fields of all Jakamo Apps. For insatnce, if composite plates has been ordered by or from your company at some time, users can easily find these orders. Or if there has been some faults in those and thus a claim has been sent or received by your company, those claim items can be easily found with word search.

Search can be navigated to by hitting the Search link on the bottom part of the hamburger menu. To narrow down the possible results of the search, search can be restricted to certain relationships or applications. This can be done with dropdown selection menus, like in the picture below.

The word or for instance number to be searched can be typed ot Search text field either partly, or completely. NOTE: Wildcards, suchs as * or ? marks canโ€™t be used. Instead, type the word partially. After hitting the SEARCH -icon, results are presented on the list below. Items in results can be accessed simply by hitting the result row from the list.

If the search provides tens of results, results are divided to pages. Pages can be browsed from below the results list. Also results shown per page can be set to 10, 20 or 50.

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