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Master Data API

1. Overview

Master Data is a JSON-based API over HTTPS and REST. Master Data API is for fetching supplier master data information from Jakamo. Learn more about Jakamo's Supplier Master Data module and its functionalities from User Guide page "Master Data".

2. Authentication

Jakamo Master Data API uses OAuth2.0 or basic authentication as an authentication method.

OAuth2.0 is the preferred method. Find step-by-step instructions on how to set up OAuth2.0 authentication in Jakamo Integrations setting page.

3. Endpoints

Jakamo environmentHTTP requestJakamo API endpoint
Test environmentGET
Production environmentGEThttps:/

4. Response message

4.1 Message example

Jakamo returns master data company information according the master data template fields created by the customer.

Each field consist of ID, FieldName and Value:

"Id": "70a25de36e1b35ce106d08b8a79b27b294bd3e09",
"FieldName": "Strategy",
"Value": "Increase"

Unique field ID is generated by Jakamo, FieldName is created by customer in master data template, and Value is added by customer to each master data company.

Example: Response message which contains information from one master data company (JSON)
"limit": 500,
"offset": 0,
"items": [
"Id": "55018",
"Name": "Harju Steel AB",
"UpdatedAt": "2024-01-03 05:30:09",
"FieldData": [
"Id": "0977e4486511c13da165ba1cb65ae809c1f7b30e",
"FieldName": "Supplier name in ERP",
"Value": "Harju Steel AB"
"Id": "93939b6d26fa677dde234d11141b4c80cecea1d9",
"FieldName": "Supplier status",
"Value": [
"Id": "70a25de36e1b35ce106d08b8a79b27b294bd3e09",
"FieldName": "Strategy",
"Value": "Increase"
"Id": "8c49b8d6991ed66ec6f0986a9656197077475b81",
"FieldName": "Material categorization",
"Value": null
"Id": "c6382a6ec1118c05c27d64a8fc9effba21de4011",
"FieldName": "Next audit date",
"Value": "2025-01-24 00:00:00"
"Id": "a92417197070ce97577565eb337b9a8fa6e6deac",
"FieldName": "Region",
"Value": "EMEA"
"Id": "ec696ea91251ef8408d9a0ebfaa128b17fb01283",
"FieldName": "Product lines",
"Value": [
"APU 18",
"FER 13",
"PHS 2",
"APU 19"
"Id": "27aad02e7bccc39373d7db8e66283c6b1845ad55",
"FieldName": "Supplier responsbile",
"Value": "Hanna Hanson"
"Id": "d2400c7361ee194ad3836f6e621e6c5ddcadb4b9",
"FieldName": "Supplier number",
"Value": "3485922"
"Id": "42acca5cffd09c77d5d642507d12235f1acd69db",
"FieldName": "Supplying to",
"Value": [
"Id": "3945f82ba8421a331f293e4bfd66ce45a0861dc0",
"FieldName": "Payment terms",
"Value": "14"
"Id": "a1c5f063bbfc5bb33a265889c7585d525d748100",
"FieldName": "Delivery terms",
"Value": "CIP"
"Id": "0b513642e32aeb3c2ef79332036266ae4943744b",
"FieldName": "Customer responsible users",
"Value": [
"Id": "14205",
"Name": "Maria",
"Email": "Manninen",
"Title": "Purchaser",
"Phone": "+358 88778789",
"Notes": "Please contact Maria Manninen for matters concering purchasing and orders."
"Id": "14206",
"Name": "Jerry",
"Email": "Jalonen",
"Title": "Quality Manager",
"Phone": "+358 02020211",
"Notes": "Please contact Jerry Jalonen for matters concerning quality and claims."
"Id": "d866343d3a002243d133176e2be4723bce12408d",
"FieldName": "Supplier's contact persons",
"Value": [
"Id": "14207",
"Name": "Hanna",
"Email": "Peterson",
"Title": "Area Sales Manager",
"Phone": "+41 87878788",
"Notes": null
"Id": "ce446c247d11089cfcf76b23c768e0c826901195",
"FieldName": "Main products",
"Value": "Metal sheet welding products (1-1000 kg)"
"Id": "ebe0db00f08400fa911c6c6da3045e4abf02dd5b",
"FieldName": "Bank account",
"Value": "FI1233 5456 5487 8989"

Response message do not include:

4.2 Parameters

The API response is “paged” and returns 50 master data companies at the time. You can control this with Limit and Offset parameters.

Accepted parameters:

ParameterExplanationAcccepted values
limit (int)how many items are returnedmax value = 50
offset (int)from where to start listing items
sortColumn (string)defines the column by which sorting is doneCreationTime, Name (default)
sortDir (string)sort directionASC, DESC
SearchField (string)returns items which name & text field values, that are set to be included in search, match the value of the parameter

Example 1:

First 100 items (master data companies) can be fetched with two queries

  • first query: limit = 50 & offset = 0
  • second query: limit = 50 & offset = 50
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