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File Callback API

1. Overview

File Callback API provides suppliers access to order documents without having to upload them as attachments in Jakamo. To utilize this functionality, provide an API that can respond to queries with the following format:

GET [base_url]/materials/documents?materialId=[item_id]&revision=[revision]

Example: would fetch files for item number 55-554354 revision 120.

The revision parameter is optional. If a revision parameter is not provided, the latest revision should be returned.

Expected data format:

"fileName": "File1.pdf",
"link": ""
"fileName": "File2.xml",
"type": "Specification",
"link": ""

Links should point to the same base domain as the initial query and have the same authentication method.

2. Authentication

API key authentication in a header is currently supported. Both the file listing query and the actual file fetching should use the same authentication method.

3. Api reference

Full api reference in open api 3.0 format available at: File callback api reference

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